Water is your life force. It helps transport energy through your body and to every cell. Water is the second most vital element needed for life.
We need living water that is literally ALIVE with minerals, just like you would find in a fresh natural spring flowing over rocks.
Since most of us do not have the luxury of drinking fresh clean spring water it is CRUCIAL we find other ways to enhance and SUPERCHARGE the water so our cells can take it in.
The simplest way to do this is to make your water "ALIVE" by adding simple herbs, minerals or superfoods like I am sharing with you in my book.
When we learn how to SUPERCHARGE our water with minerals and herbs we will feel increased hydration, MORE VITALITY and have deeper healing.
It has taken me years to refine these formulas and really help clients take their power back and learn how to use the plants God gave us to achieve a higher level of WELLNESS & DEEP HYDRATION.
I discovered that prevention is better than a prescription and that prevention isn't found in a yearly “wellness visit” it can actually be part of your DAILY life and ROUTINES.